+ [2016-06-07T20:58:30Z] jekyllrb Error: No factoid matches that key.
+ [2016-06-07T21:00:55Z] ash_workz I was gonna ask how to use this with docker, but I guess if you link the files into a container you can just run --watch locally so that the files auto-regenerate and you can just serve them with an nginx container, right?
+ [2016-06-07T21:02:15Z] ash_workz I'd prefer not to have to remember to run both `docker-compose up` and `jekyll build --watch`

message no. 138386

Posted by ash_workz in #jekyll at 2016-06-07T20:58:30Z

[[ build ]]
+ [2016-06-08T17:39:50Z] itsfizix anyone have a theme they like to use/customize for a boutique retail site - no ecommerce functionality needed
+ [2016-06-08T20:16:01Z] miklb if anyone has any thoughts about this question I had I'd greatly appreciate some insight envygeeks I'm sure is busy https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/appending-to-post-content-based-on-conditional-front-matter/2485/8
+ [2016-06-08T20:16:02Z] jekyllrb Title: Appending to post.content based on Conditional Front Matter - Help - Jekyll Talk (at talk.jekyllrb.com)
+ [2016-06-08T20:51:04Z] ash_workz anyone use docker in here? Do you start jekyll build --watch every time you start docker or...?
+ [2016-06-08T20:51:21Z] ash_workz (I guess more often than starting docker