+ [2016-06-09T21:48:31Z] Guest_84757 medicine is not doing Allah is doing
+ [2016-06-09T21:48:46Z] Guest_84757 customers are not doing Allah is doing
+ [2016-06-09T21:49:13Z] Guest_84757 you can not get a job without the permission of allah
+ [2016-06-09T21:49:42Z] Guest_84757 you can not get married without the permission of allah
+ [2016-06-09T22:21:55Z] rom1504 Spambots are doing

message no. 138653

Posted by ESphynx in #github at 2016-06-09T16:58:04Z

I imagine you would have one master repo? and pull from it regularly?
+ [2016-06-10T04:15:25Z] npo_ hello
+ [2016-06-10T10:48:10Z] maziar hello i have a 680 MB file to push, and i'm installed git LFS , but i get this error, why ? >>>> error : http://pastebin.com/ZWd7mAVk
+ [2016-06-10T10:52:18Z] jhass maziar: I guess you committed the file before installing git lfs and tracking the file with it
+ [2016-06-10T10:52:26Z] jhass undo that commit
+ [2016-06-10T10:52:42Z] jhass (not revert, get rid of it)