+[2016-06-12T23:50:55Z]spudowiarno +[2016-06-12T23:50:57Z]spudowiarthat's right +[2016-06-12T23:51:19Z]spudowiarand there's just plain hub:jekyll to show a user +[2016-06-12T23:51:24Z]spudowiaror org +[2016-06-12T23:51:58Z]spudowiarI'm so excited about this, it works so nicely :)
However it seems that when I'm serving locally it resolves to the latter...
+[2016-06-13T00:17:39Z]spudowiarRight, adding W3C validation to my Rakefile now +[2016-06-13T14:13:50Z]G33kDudeI have two arrays listed in my front matter, one with IDs and one with titles 'titles:' ' - TitleA' ' - TitleB'. In my page body I have a loop over the IDs, and in that loop I have '{% cycle page.titles %}'. In the generated output, I seem to get every title appended together every time, e.g. 'TitleATitleB' <some content based on ID> 'TitleATitleB' <more content> instead of what I wanted, 'TitleA' <content> +[2016-06-13T14:13:52Z]G33kDude'TitleB' <more content>. Am I just going about this in the wrong way? +[2016-06-13T14:15:36Z]G33kDudeI could use an iterator with slice I suppose +[2016-06-13T14:17:05Z]G33kDudeincrementor