latest 20 messages by G33kDude

+ [2016-06-13T19:13:16Z] G33kDude I just realized I forgot to set up lightbox
+ [2016-06-13T19:12:29Z] G33kDude Thank you
+ [2016-06-13T19:07:44Z] G33kDude inni: My site has been jekyll'd :)
+ [2016-06-13T18:22:53Z] G33kDude I'm thinking that putting jpgs directly into a collection is a bit messy. I'll throw some metadata files in the collection instead I suppose
+ [2016-06-13T18:21:57Z] G33kDude Would it be better to create a collection '_pics' and drop the .jpg files directly into there?
+ [2016-06-13T18:21:28Z] G33kDude If I have a directory of images, say /images/pics, is there a way to make jekyll iterate over all the files in that directory?
+ [2016-06-13T17:48:03Z] G33kDude ooh, DropPen looks handy
+ [2016-06-13T17:34:10Z] G33kDude Is there a difference between '{{ site.baseurl }}/css/main.css' and '{{ "/css/main.css" | prepend: site.baseurl }}'?
+ [2016-06-13T17:08:52Z] G33kDude Any way I slice it I'm confused
+ [2016-06-13T17:08:35Z] G33kDude or maybe that's in place of site.url, with site.baseurl omitted?
+ [2016-06-13T17:05:40Z] G33kDude Hmm, I'm reading this page and it suggests that I use site.github.url in place of site.baseurl
+ [2016-06-13T17:03:20Z] G33kDude I wonder if there's a way to configure that
+ [2016-06-13T17:02:35Z] G33kDude hmm, appears to be reverse alphanumeric by file name
+ [2016-06-13T17:02:03Z] G33kDude With my previous configuration, it appeared to be iterating alphanumerically. Now it's either random, or reverse alphanum?
+ [2016-06-13T17:01:26Z] G33kDude When I iterate over a collection, how does it order the items?
+ [2016-06-13T16:56:30Z] G33kDude I think the next time I try to install jekyll on windows, step 1 will be setting up a linux VM
+ [2016-06-13T16:55:46Z] G33kDude I'm learning all sorts of neat skills. Vim, (configuring) Ruby, Jekyll. It's like stepping into the 21st century
+ [2016-06-13T16:53:48Z] G33kDude things did not just work then
+ [2016-06-13T16:53:35Z] G33kDude reflects on the last time he tried to install Jekyll under Windows
+ [2016-06-13T16:53:22Z] G33kDude I love when things work