latest 12 messages by binduwavell

+ [2016-06-12T22:42:31Z] binduwavell No worries inno, thank you for the CLI idea!
+ [2016-06-12T22:33:56Z] binduwavell I GUESS I can use the CLI argument trick for that. If there is no better option, I'll do that
+ [2016-06-12T22:33:17Z] binduwavell inni: I think the challenge is around URL. When local I want that to be empty or localhost:4000 when serving from GH it should be HTTPS://
+ [2016-06-12T22:30:23Z] binduwavell inni, the baseurl thing does help so that the local serving has /generator-alfresco before all the assets in the project.
+ [2016-06-12T22:27:49Z] binduwavell inni I'm looking at the following: which uses the config you linked and I'm not at all clear how they are distinguising a local run vs. being run by github pages (from the gh-pages branch.)
+ [2016-06-12T22:26:58Z] binduwavell miklb, yes: my two use cases are serving locally and serving from a gh-pages branch
+ [2016-06-12T22:13:39Z] binduwavell sorry `{{ baseurl }}`
+ [2016-06-12T22:02:47Z] binduwavell However it seems that when I'm serving locally it resolves to the latter...
+ [2016-06-12T22:02:27Z] binduwavell From reading through the docs, I thought that `{{ site.github.url }}` would resolve to `/` locally and to something like `` when served by github.
+ [2016-06-12T22:01:23Z] binduwavell I'm a new to jekyll, I'm pretty confused about how to handle the URL difference when using `jekyll s` (site root is: http://localhost:4000) vs when github pages is service (site root is