+[2013-11-19T18:25:25Z]pontikioh, you can +[2013-11-19T18:25:33Z]pontikior replace them +[2013-11-19T18:27:58Z]pontikisee my .htaccess for the particular directory: https://gist.github.com/tamouse/7550027 +[2013-11-19T18:28:26Z]pontikinotably, SuppressHTMLPreamble +[2013-11-19T18:29:26Z]Ge0rGpontiki: thanks. now all I need is to create ihtml from octopress
is there some tool to generate download pages for a directory? something like a dir index?
+[2013-11-21T12:51:02Z]Ge0rGhow can I generate the page header and footer in octopress to SSI include them into a generated page? +[2013-11-22T16:26:59Z]Ge0rGis it possible to remove the shadow-box from certain images? +[2013-11-29T15:51:10Z]kAworuhi #octopress +[2013-11-29T17:41:48Z]pontikihi kAworu +[2013-11-30T11:27:51Z]hemanthTheme is not being picked by a particular post, in h3manth.com/new all the posts have the right ocotopress theme, but for the first post, what might be the issue?