+ [2013-11-21T12:51:02Z] Ge0rG how can I generate the page header and footer in octopress to SSI include them into a generated page?
+ [2013-11-22T16:26:59Z] Ge0rG is it possible to remove the shadow-box from certain images?
+ [2013-11-29T15:51:10Z] kAworu hi #octopress
+ [2013-11-29T17:41:48Z] pontiki hi kAworu
+ [2013-11-30T11:27:51Z] hemanth Theme is not being picked by a particular post, in h3manth.com/new all the posts have the right ocotopress theme, but for the first post, what might be the issue?

message no. 14246

Posted by hemanth in #octopress at 2013-11-30T11:27:51Z

Theme is not being picked by a particular post, in h3manth.com/new all the posts have the right ocotopress theme, but for the first post, what might be the issue?
+ [2013-12-01T04:14:45Z] ohthehugemanatee hey ho octopressers. I'm setting up my octopress single user blog site for the first timeā€¦ moving from Drupal. thank you for all the hard work!
+ [2013-12-01T04:15:04Z] ohthehugemanatee Can anyone help me set the trim length of posts on the front page?
+ [2013-12-01T04:16:06Z] ohthehugemanatee out of the box, it wants to take the full post. I know there are plugins available to make sensible HTML trims, but I figured I'd ask here to see if one was included with octopress.
+ [2013-12-01T17:15:34Z] ohthehugemanatee hey everyone. Still looking for the answer to my question from yesterday: does octopress allow me to set the frontpage to use post summaries rather than full text? and can I set the trim length of the summaries?
+ [2013-12-01T17:23:49Z] jaybe ohthehugemanatee, 1. octopress and this channel are often dead as a doornail. 2. octopress is powered by jekyll. 3. therefore, jekyll information and documentation may benefit you. jekyllrb.com/docs/home