+ [2016-06-14T21:17:53Z] Zarthus yeah, the top 5 repositories you contributed most to
+ [2016-06-14T21:17:57Z] Yaiyan Ah, right, thanks
+ [2016-06-14T23:04:15Z] groundnuty hey, is there a way to substribe with email
+ [2016-06-14T23:04:21Z] groundnuty to a releases/commits

message no. 139325

Posted by my007ms in #github at 2016-06-14T08:45:42Z

rom1504, fatal: repository 'https://github.com/OWNER/dump1090.git/' not found
+ [2016-06-15T09:58:04Z] exxi i have created my personal site on github i.e. username.github.io
+ [2016-06-15T09:58:28Z] exxi now i want to create a project site which i have forked from someone else, how can i have do that ?
+ [2016-06-15T09:58:50Z] exxi something like username.github.io/project/ and that displays my slides
+ [2016-06-15T10:04:42Z] exxi is this correct ? i clone the presentation repo in username.github.io repo and now access the contents using username.github.io/my_presentation
+ [2016-06-15T10:34:37Z] jhass exxi: you can just create a repo called project or my_presentation (you're not consistent with the naming examples ;) ) and create a branch called gh-pages there