+ [2016-06-21T16:02:05Z] spudowiar Sorry for wasting your time with this
+ [2016-06-21T16:02:27Z] spudowiar I guess I'm annoying even when I'm trying not to be
+ [2016-06-21T16:03:23Z] jaybe no worries; time not wasted.
+ [2016-06-21T16:03:43Z] jaybe no issues/worries/concerns from me :)

message no. 139958

Posted by Mark88 in #jekyll at 2016-06-21T08:00:25Z

Lets encrypt wants this [YOqSTVZrVyTu0_Sn7lNmO6qTC04O_Sxh5st1IMwMaH4.akDWY-QjZxALCiA6bBpm1FtGYmq2rj0JH5YNWmbPMjk] but gets this [<p>YOqSTVZrVyTu0_Sn7lNmO6qTC04O_Sxh5st1IMwMaH4.akDWY-QjZxALCiA6bBpm1FtGYmq2rj0JH5YNWmbPMjk</p>] So that is why I awnt rendering without HTML tags aplied
+ [2016-06-22T21:33:24Z] Efffe hey i just started a new theme (new to jekyll). i keep getting `ERROR `/foo/{{' not found.`
+ [2016-06-22T21:34:02Z] Efffe localhost:4000/foo shows the code {% for post in site.posts %}
+ [2016-06-22T21:34:08Z] Efffe (it's broken like this in _site as well)
+ [2016-06-22T21:35:13Z] Efffe anyone have any idea? coming up short on google
+ [2016-06-22T21:40:23Z] Efffe derp. didn't have any front matter in index.html