latest 9 messages by Mark88

+ [2016-06-21T08:18:26Z] Mark88 I have now tried making post with *.html extension and no <p></p> tags were added. Just what I was looking for. Many thanks for your help pontiki!
+ [2016-06-21T08:08:39Z] Mark88 I will try now this, and will also try HTML stripping
+ [2016-06-21T08:07:01Z] Mark88 I tried to put extension as txt instead of md but it seemingly did not do the trick
+ [2016-06-21T08:06:16Z] Mark88 Maybe not, I'm starting with Jekyll... But, yes, I'd like the output to be pure text without tags
+ [2016-06-21T08:05:09Z] Mark88 Jekyll adds <p> when it posts this post and Let's encrypt does not like the added <p>
+ [2016-06-21T08:03:43Z] Mark88 I'm hosting on GitLab pages and the post code is the following :
+ [2016-06-21T08:00:25Z] Mark88 Lets encrypt wants this [YOqSTVZrVyTu0_Sn7lNmO6qTC04O_Sxh5st1IMwMaH4.akDWY-QjZxALCiA6bBpm1FtGYmq2rj0JH5YNWmbPMjk] but gets this [<p>YOqSTVZrVyTu0_Sn7lNmO6qTC04O_Sxh5st1IMwMaH4.akDWY-QjZxALCiA6bBpm1FtGYmq2rj0JH5YNWmbPMjk</p>] So that is why I awnt rendering without HTML tags aplied
+ [2016-06-21T07:58:39Z] Mark88 Hmm I was looking at all kinds of options, and now that you mentoned it, I suppose this should work, right ? CODE: {{ "<p>u7676uj67u7687it6nbggvdfv099999</p>" | strip_html }}
+ [2016-06-21T07:54:07Z] Mark88 Hello, I'd like to ask how can I create a Jekyll post without markdown applied to it. So that "Let's Encrypt" challenge code is not wrapped in <p></p> ?