+[2016-06-21T16:02:05Z]spudowiarSorry for wasting your time with this +[2016-06-21T16:02:27Z]spudowiarI guess I'm annoying even when I'm trying not to be +[2016-06-21T16:03:23Z]jaybeno worries; time not wasted. +[2016-06-21T16:03:43Z]jaybeno issues/worries/concerns from me :) +[2016-06-21T16:03:55Z]spudowiar:)
I'm hosting on GitLab pages and the post code is the following : http://pastebin.com/Pq8dCLfu
+[2016-06-22T21:33:24Z]Efffehey i just started a new theme (new to jekyll). i keep getting `ERROR `/foo/{{' not found.` +[2016-06-22T21:34:02Z]Efffelocalhost:4000/foo shows the code {% for post in site.posts %} +[2016-06-22T21:34:08Z]Efffe(it's broken like this in _site as well) +[2016-06-22T21:35:13Z]Efffeanyone have any idea? coming up short on google +[2016-06-22T21:40:23Z]Efffederp. didn't have any front matter in index.html