+ [2016-06-25T14:14:29Z] jaybe O/
+ [2016-06-25T16:15:45Z] spudowiar Bit off topic but.. https://twitter.com/spudowiar/status/746690578168045568 :)
+ [2016-06-25T16:15:46Z] jekyllrb Title: Saleem Rashid on Twitter: ".@BBC running Windows, ew... (low resolution @BBC's fault, not mine) https://t.co/YR10O7rEsb" (at twitter.com)

message no. 140416

Posted by spudowiar in #jekyll at 2016-06-25T08:30:22Z

Are you using the github-pages gem?
+ [2016-06-28T00:37:33Z] miklb anybody good with yaml & ruby around? Have a peculiar issue I don't understand with a plugin
+ [2016-06-28T02:45:20Z] jaybe best practice and results will probably be to state a well-formed problem/goal/statement with all the info - and be patient :)
+ [2016-06-28T03:01:12Z] miklb sometimes though, it's good to be able to just discuss. It's not like I kept flooding the channel saying "anyone?"
+ [2016-06-28T03:03:01Z] miklb I plugin I use parses my markdown and stores links to a yaml file to be used elsewhere. I modified it to parse a specific front matter that contains links and save to same file. Problem is that it stores them as - - http://example.com because the Front Matter is a collection