+ [2016-07-01T21:14:10Z] Geo I found the xfer button
+ [2016-07-01T21:14:12Z] Geo thanks
+ [2016-07-01T22:09:26Z] |gonzo| hi people, perhaps it's a trivial question but I can't figure out how to add a password (e.g. a google api key) to a repo that is needed by travis to run the junit tests, any suggestion?
+ [2016-07-01T22:39:25Z] Seveas |gonzo|: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/encryption-keys/
+ [2016-07-01T22:41:51Z] |gonzo| thanks Seveas, was reading that. I'd prefer to have something on the application.properties (using springboot) but probably will have to make do with the environment variable. Thank you for the suggestion.

message no. 141023

Posted by jeen in #github at 2016-07-01T02:37:07Z

no prob
+ [2016-07-02T01:51:28Z] willthechill github is not transmitting my 2 latest commits to either travis or appveyor, is anyone else having an issue with webhooks or anything else?
+ [2016-07-02T02:57:41Z] willthechill anybody having trouble with github?
+ [2016-07-02T02:59:52Z] preaction not presently
+ [2016-07-02T05:45:43Z] abhvl hi
+ [2016-07-02T05:45:59Z] abhvl can I clone my own repo without login at terminal?