+ [2016-07-07T22:13:44Z] squigz It's really preference and budget
+ [2016-07-07T22:24:30Z] xterm Hello. Is "Link" in Github API's response header what I should be looking for in order to get the next/remaining results ?
+ [2016-07-07T22:26:35Z] VxJasonxV https://developer.github.com/guides/traversing-with-pagination/
+ [2016-07-07T22:27:03Z] xterm Thanks! I was trying to find this!

message no. 142227

Posted by n_blownapart in #github at 2016-07-07T18:03:23Z

hello please help me undestand grey folders. I've read about submodules but cannot revive these directories. the problem seems to be happening without any changes in my (ignorant) use of github.
+ [2016-07-08T10:07:24Z] Stag Hi folks, anyone else having issues with assets-cdn.github.com ?
+ [2016-07-08T10:13:11Z] abhvl hi
+ [2016-07-08T10:13:15Z] abhvl how to add all files ending with ~ to .gitignore?
+ [2016-07-08T10:13:21Z] abhvl will *.*~ wil work?
+ [2016-07-08T10:16:48Z] canton7 or just '*~', depending on whether or not you want to ensure that there's a file extension