latest 20 messages by n_blownapart

+ [2016-07-07T18:40:46Z] n_blownapart deltab: I thought if there was potential for that. I think I can save my work but thank you :)
+ [2016-07-07T18:30:24Z] n_blownapart preaction: thanks. I messed up some directories, hopefully not too badly. more drama soon!
+ [2016-07-07T18:28:01Z] n_blownapart still produce it after I removed the .git file
+ [2016-07-07T18:27:40Z] n_blownapart canton7: one thing: git log and git status still produce output in that pascal directory. Is that because it is giving the status and log from the parent directory?
+ [2016-07-07T18:23:01Z] n_blownapart canton7: it wasn't an insult it was self-deprecation . no prob thanks!
+ [2016-07-07T18:18:50Z] n_blownapart ok so its crippled. great I spent close to 2 hours on it last night and nearly lost my hard won scheme work. thanks
+ [2016-07-07T18:17:24Z] n_blownapart that was* the change in...
+ [2016-07-07T18:17:11Z] n_blownapart excellent that is the change in my behavior. I was happily doing git init in the subdirectories. thanks kindly canton7
+ [2016-07-07T18:16:14Z] n_blownapart oh ok so subdirectories should not have git init done to them
+ [2016-07-07T18:15:18Z] n_blownapart doesn't every local repo have a .git file when it is initialized?
+ [2016-07-07T18:14:53Z] n_blownapart ok I'll try that. but ...
+ [2016-07-07T18:13:29Z] n_blownapart its a mistake, I am not versed in git so I don't really understand the submodule's function .
+ [2016-07-07T18:12:37Z] n_blownapart I'm teaching myself scheme and my cherished pascal directory is grey !
+ [2016-07-07T18:12:10Z] n_blownapart please look at this repo. it is for scheme programming
+ [2016-07-07T18:11:00Z] n_blownapart canton7: thanks kindly. I was just , on the rare occasion, snarky with someone on the git channel. one of those people who write cryptically so you can't understand anything. Ok, well how do I retrieve it, to make it active again?
+ [2016-07-07T18:03:23Z] n_blownapart hello please help me undestand grey folders. I've read about submodules but cannot revive these directories. the problem seems to be happening without any changes in my (ignorant) use of github.
+ [2014-10-29T01:00:11Z] n_blownapart weird VxJasonxV that gave me a version for snow leopard but it doesn't work after restarting terminal
+ [2014-10-29T00:56:50Z] n_blownapart VxJasonxV: thanks a lot I'm going to try it. its easier on linux. pax
+ [2014-10-29T00:56:08Z] n_blownapart nevermind I think I found the installer. sorry thanks