+[2016-07-28T23:10:14Z]jaybe(within the context of your environment and how you do things) +[2016-07-28T23:10:55Z]jaybei.e. i do things locally; gem install --user-install --bindir ~/bin +[2016-07-28T23:11:16Z]jaybesince i do things this way, i must do so for what is needed while executing within the environment +[2016-07-28T23:11:41Z]jaybeand or configure bundler to know about and function properly within +[2016-07-28T23:12:38Z]jaybesame difference for env/ruby managers
Yes, but I needed pygments since it was better supported by my theme :)
+[2016-07-29T08:44:14Z]devs$jekyll command only works in certain folders. Why? +[2016-07-29T10:25:35Z]rysiek|plhi all +[2016-07-29T10:25:57Z]rysiek|plI am trying to navigate the Jekyll docs and I am failing miserably, so perhaps somebody can help me out here +[2016-07-29T10:26:18Z]rysiek|plI am trying to create a Generator that creates .json versions of all posts (but not pages) +[2016-07-29T10:26:41Z]rysiek|plthis is going rather well, but I got stuck on trying to render the posts' text before putting them in json