latest 12 messages by Sentreen

+ [2016-07-28T23:07:16Z] Sentreen Ah okay, that sucks, since I'm pushing to a bare git repo it rebuilds all the dependencies on every push now. Thanks for looking into this!
+ [2016-07-28T23:04:21Z] Sentreen Bundler is not giving me errors though. Jekyll gives me errors unless I install pygments.rb through bundler
+ [2016-07-28T23:02:28Z] Sentreen I'm on 3.2.0
+ [2016-07-28T22:57:13Z] Sentreen If there is an alternative, I'd love to hear it, since it's kind of messing up my hooks (I'm using a git post-receive hook to build and publish the site on my server)
+ [2016-07-28T22:56:31Z] Sentreen I wasn't. I am now, since it was the only way that I found to get pygments to work
+ [2016-07-28T22:55:12Z] Sentreen Yes, but I needed pygments since it was better supported by my theme :)
+ [2016-07-28T22:19:58Z] Sentreen Turns out that just having the gem installed is not enough, you need to create a gemfile with pygments.rb as well. The documentation is pretty lacking in that regard
+ [2016-07-28T22:08:11Z] Sentreen I seem to have some issues getting pygements to work. I have the pygments.rb gem installed on my system. However, adding pygments as a gem to my _config.yml returns a dependency error. Did anybody run into a similar issue?
+ [2016-06-19T00:02:47Z] Sentreen Obviously, that's something you only find out after googling for a few hours and bothering countless people on irc
+ [2016-06-19T00:02:21Z] Sentreen Okay, never mind. Turns out bash caches the paths to commands. Clearing that cache solved my issue.
+ [2016-06-18T23:57:19Z] Sentreen which jekyll returns: /usr/local/bin/jekyll. And I double checked that it is indeed included in my $PATH
+ [2016-06-18T23:56:53Z] Sentreen Hello, I'm having some trouble getting jekyll to work under Ubuntu 16.04. I installed ruby and ruby dev through apt. And jekyll with gem (as superuser). No problems occurred during the installation. However, when I try to run jekyll I get the following error: -bash: /usr/bin/jekyll: No such file or directory