+[2016-07-29T14:15:31Z]jekyllrbTitle: Lack of documentation and examples about Jekyll cleanup process · Issue #5162 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com) +[2016-07-29T17:41:59Z]miklbhaven't seen yet, is gh-pages on 3.2 yet? +[2016-07-29T22:46:15Z]miklbanyone know if a liquid way of determining if a post or page? i.e. if page use page.item if not use post.item? +[2016-07-29T23:08:54Z]spudowiarmiklb: I thought page was always the current page (post or not) +[2016-07-29T23:09:03Z]spudowiarmiklb: posts are now just another collection so...?
miklb: I thought page was always the current page (post or not)
+[2016-07-30T00:03:25Z]miklbspudowiar right, but if you are calling Front Matter you use page.item on say, index.html but on a single "post" or "page" have to use page.item. Or did I miss something +[2016-07-30T00:03:46Z]spudowiarI think so, idk +[2016-07-30T00:05:55Z]miklbso I'd like to be able to use a single include file but call the appropriate liquid tag depending on context +[2016-07-30T00:06:26Z]miklbin my case, the URL for an image +[2016-07-30T00:06:38Z]miklbthat's set in the front matter