+ [2016-07-30T18:44:20Z] foobazr don't worry it will make sense when you see the video i'm making about github being a san fran gay pedo cult
+ [2016-07-30T18:44:42Z] Zarthus they're not
+ [2016-07-30T18:45:14Z] Zarthus but I don't really care about what you're saying when you keep phrasing yourself like that
+ [2016-07-30T21:28:32Z] guardian hello, does closing an issue with "closes #1" only works when pushing to the master branch?
+ [2016-07-30T21:45:50Z] jhass the default branch, so typically yes

message no. 144946

Posted by foobazr in #github at 2016-07-30T07:58:13Z

Consider that an olive branch. But if they say no: It will go down on the record People who hate pedophilia (anti-pedophilia activists) are hated by lede who gay kingpin speaks for all their userbase and lede in my opinion will forever be the gay pedo dev's fork of openwrt nothing more. Consider this is a WEDGE ISSUE that will only make you look like an opportunistic queer bigot on a power trip forking openwrt.
+ [2016-07-31T08:44:17Z] github677 Is anyone online here?
+ [2016-07-31T08:47:38Z] rom1504 no, the internet is down, sorry, try again later
+ [2016-07-31T17:47:30Z] Perseus0 hey, is it possible to have a github page like this `http://username.github.io´ and not this `http://username.github.io/repository` ?
+ [2016-07-31T19:52:29Z] AppAraat hi everyone, I think I made an oopsie. I forked a repo and made some commits on a branch that I made on my fork. Later on I accidentally made some commits to the master branch while intending to make commits on that new branch.