+ [2016-08-01T17:26:24Z] miklb Dry_Lips {% assign count = forloop.length | modulo: 2 %} {% if count == 0 %} Even number of posts {% else %} odd number of posts
+ [2016-08-01T17:26:49Z] Dry_Lips miklb: awesome, I'll give it a try
+ [2016-08-01T17:27:04Z] miklb untested
+ [2016-08-01T18:13:36Z] miklb Dry_Lips any luck?
+ [2016-08-01T18:16:32Z] Dry_Lips miklb, well, I'm running into the same problem I had when I tried this on my own... The first post is repeated twice... :-/ The thing is that I somehow need to combine this with my preexisting code, and that's the tricky part

message no. 145035

Posted by mchelen2 in #jekyll at 2016-08-01T01:37:15Z

jaybe: ah interesting
+ [2016-08-02T00:42:46Z] jacklight Hi all, I am trying to use the Jekyll Doc Theme from http://idratherbewriting.com/documentation-theme-jekyll/, however, I seem to not realize how I should change my index.html file which opens by default when pointed to
+ [2016-08-02T00:43:20Z] jacklight There's an index.md at the root of the doc theme directory, however, changing that doesn't generate a new index.html
+ [2016-08-02T08:33:19Z] jacklight Hi all, I am trying to use the Jekyll Doc Theme from http://idratherbewriting.com/documentation-theme-jekyll/, however, I seem to not realize how I should change my index.html file which opens by default when pointed to There's an index.md at the root of the doc theme directory, however, changing that doesn't generate a new index.html. Can you help me with ideas/pointers what to do next?
+ [2016-08-02T16:45:01Z] temp quick silly question: is it possible to access site.url type variables within jekyll data files? I want to prepend site.url to a couple of links in my data file as my url changes based upon how I'm testing