latest 20 messages by mchelen2

+ [2016-09-04T15:24:52Z] mchelen2 on my system i can copy symbols into vim fine
+ [2016-09-04T15:24:37Z] mchelen2 _ami_: ok great!
+ [2016-09-04T15:14:31Z] mchelen2 alternately you could try an html entity like Λ
+ [2016-09-04T15:13:44Z] mchelen2 _ami_: often you can just paste in the symbol Λ λ etc
+ [2016-08-06T02:24:25Z] mchelen2 yup exactly
+ [2016-08-06T02:20:34Z] mchelen2 you might have run the login scripts manually
+ [2016-08-06T02:03:55Z] mchelen2 np, glad you got it sorted
+ [2016-08-06T02:03:48Z] mchelen2 ah yeah rvm can make things a bit more complicated :)
+ [2016-08-06T02:03:35Z] mchelen2 norm_: oh haha, thats good
+ [2016-08-06T02:02:31Z] mchelen2 norm_: how did you install ruby?
+ [2016-08-01T02:11:19Z] mchelen2 ill see what approach themes are using for this
+ [2016-08-01T02:10:58Z] mchelen2 ok yeah thanks
+ [2016-08-01T02:10:22Z] mchelen2 jaybe: defaults wont influence file names because those are not created by jekyll, right?
+ [2016-08-01T02:09:52Z] mchelen2 jaybe: yeah i know there are some options, wasn't sure what the best practice is
+ [2016-08-01T01:56:45Z] mchelen2 i know some themes do this via rakefile
+ [2016-08-01T01:56:33Z] mchelen2 miklb jaybe: that's cool, but i was hoping for a jekyll command that would create the file & automate the file name
+ [2016-08-01T01:37:15Z] mchelen2 jaybe: ah interesting
+ [2016-08-01T00:54:31Z] mchelen2 jaybe: so i dont like having to manually enter those once or twice
+ [2016-08-01T00:54:01Z] mchelen2 jaybe: right, well, usually the post and/or frontmatter will include things like the date and title
+ [2016-07-31T21:58:48Z] mchelen2 jaybe: ah ok, does it have a command for generating new posts?