+ [2016-08-17T22:57:42Z] Krands hi
+ [2016-08-17T23:15:16Z] jaybe o/
+ [2016-08-17T23:31:49Z] Krands \o
+ [2016-08-17T23:36:14Z] Krands I managed to repair and get beautiful pages with SCSS now
+ [2016-08-17T23:36:23Z] Krands It's not so clear to get it

message no. 147115

Posted by darkbit in #jekyll at 2016-08-17T04:58:08Z

anyway, i got it
+ [2016-08-18T00:16:45Z] jaybe Documented the process?
+ [2016-08-18T00:24:14Z] Krands Huh?
+ [2016-08-18T00:24:45Z] Krands Do you mean, writing how to go from a slim file to classic html ?
+ [2016-08-18T00:24:54Z] Krands I did it almost manually
+ [2016-08-18T00:25:06Z] Krands there was so many bad practices...