+ [2016-08-21T23:18:22Z] sofly anyone have a sane way to do dropdowns with looping?
+ [2016-08-21T23:18:31Z] sofly Google is sending me to questionable things
+ [2016-08-21T23:18:49Z] sofly it seems like I'm going to need to write my own code that uses page.path to do some logic :(
+ [2016-08-21T23:19:15Z] sofly or would it be wiser to just add some custom frontmatter to "subpages" and then check for that in my loop... hmm, that sounds more reasonable :)
+ [2016-08-21T23:19:22Z] sofly may have answered my own question

message no. 147573

Posted by juniorRubyist in #jekyll at 2016-08-21T07:12:59Z

How do these tests work?
+ [2016-08-22T01:54:40Z] pontiki hello!
+ [2016-08-22T02:06:06Z] miklb _/
+ [2016-08-22T02:08:02Z] pontiki hi miklb :)
+ [2016-08-22T15:38:47Z] joshmace Hello out there! Ok so I'm new to Jekyll and I'm running into an issue... After installation, I am missing the _layouts and _includes directories. I'm on Mac OSX El Capitan.
+ [2016-08-22T15:39:07Z] joshmace Any help would be much appreciated.