+ [2016-08-23T23:24:49Z] miklb sure, that I expected. Looking forward to being able to use the API with gh-pages sites in the future.
+ [2016-08-23T23:25:14Z] miklb just didn't know if would error on build. Anyway, will investigate later.
+ [2016-08-23T23:25:31Z] jaybe would need to test; i have little experience with github/pages
+ [2016-08-23T23:25:49Z] jaybe putting it to the test now. new post. upload/place image.
+ [2016-08-23T23:26:35Z] jaybe preview render mode on the fly is nice.

message no. 147718

Posted by parkr_ in #jekyll at 2016-08-23T21:28:41Z

jaybe: something going on with your email? my SMTP server is complaining that your email doesn't exist
+ [2016-08-24T02:33:17Z] DrSayre Hey guys, new to Jekyll. What's the best way of adding Disqus so that it appears automatically on all my posts? Ive seen where you can put it in the _includes and _layouts, but I dont have those directories and when I try to create them, I lose all my stylings
+ [2016-08-24T02:41:23Z] jaybe [[ thenes ]]
+ [2016-08-24T02:41:23Z] jekyllrb I do not know about 'thenes', but I do know about these similar topics: 'themes'
+ [2016-08-24T02:41:39Z] jaybe [[ themes ]]
+ [2016-08-24T02:41:39Z] jekyllrb (themes) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/