+[2016-08-29T21:14:22Z]eightfold(it’s only the last two posts that has it) +[2016-08-29T21:21:33Z]eightfoldis this wrongly formatted: +[2016-08-29T21:21:34Z]eightfolddate: 2016-08-29 22:09:34 +[2016-08-29T21:21:39Z]eightfoldfrontematter? +[2016-08-29T21:21:50Z]eightfoldbecause when i add it, the post disappears…
message no. 148515
Posted by su1ts in #jekyll at 2016-08-29T00:13:14Z
now I get this error: C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/json/version.rb:3: warning: already initialized constant JSON::VERSION
+[2016-08-30T21:02:26Z]Voltasalthow do i select a local theme i made +[2016-08-30T21:09:25Z]jaybeVoltasalt, hi. [[ themes ]] +[2016-08-30T21:09:25Z]jekyllrb(themes) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/ +[2016-08-30T21:09:42Z]Voltasaltyeah I can see that +[2016-08-30T21:09:51Z]Voltasaltbut how do i use it without doing ruby stuff