+[8 years ago]embrosynnbro: Well, I'm sorta, kinda, successful with Git, but I don't have enough experience to actually help you with your mission at the moment of writing :P +[8 years ago]nbro@embrosyn it’s ok, any help is welcome, do what you can +[8 years ago]nbro;) +[8 years ago]embrosyn* successful = did everything (except copying release notes, ugh) intended so far +[8 years ago]l4v2what does it mean when I run git branch and all of the branches are the same color except for one of them?
I’m talking just about one file and not about merging, clearly
+[8 years ago]ElronndIs there a way to, in a "service/webhook" set the branches to be monitored to all? +[8 years ago]diphtherialElronnd: afaik webhooks trigger for any action on the repo, regardless of branch +[8 years ago]mebigfatguyi appear to be blind... i don't see how you create a diff file from github gui? +[8 years ago]milkisha.diff +[8 years ago]KillBill99Anyone got a cool Node.js project I could contribute to? Bored and looking for suggestions...