latest 15 messages by nbro

+ [2016-08-30T19:10:34Z] nbro ;)
+ [2016-08-30T19:10:32Z] nbro @embrosyn it’s ok, any help is welcome, do what you can
+ [2016-08-30T19:07:50Z] nbro you can start doing it whenever you want, and you can also just contributing but just reading the code, and if you find a bug or want to help to improve something, it should be just a matter of “opening a issue on github” eventually
+ [2016-08-30T19:06:36Z] nbro @embrosyn I appreciate your intention
+ [2016-08-30T18:57:42Z] nbro and if not bad, how can I do it?
+ [2016-08-30T18:57:21Z] nbro I’m talking just about one file and not about merging, clearly
+ [2016-08-30T18:57:10Z] nbro Is it a good idea to move a file from one branch to another?
+ [2016-08-30T18:54:27Z] nbro hi
+ [2016-08-30T11:56:33Z] nbro if they are removed the only option that I’ve is manually searching for them in previous commits and then download them...
+ [2016-08-30T11:56:09Z] nbro somehow those files could have been removed, but I’m not sure if they were removed or are invisible
+ [2016-08-30T11:55:48Z] nbro actually there’s a ignored folder which is visible
+ [2016-08-30T11:54:42Z] nbro How can I retrieve them, if possible?
+ [2016-08-30T11:54:33Z] nbro I’ve just realized that the files and folders that ignored are not at least visible anymore locally, I can’t find them...
+ [2016-08-30T11:53:53Z] nbro I’ve a github repository with a .gitignore file
+ [2016-08-30T11:53:31Z] nbro hi