+ [2016-09-03T16:56:57Z] jaybe You seemingly are failing in general with accessing remote ruby repos
+ [2016-09-03T17:09:35Z] pero yea im not sure how it's getting killed on GET
+ [2016-09-03T17:10:08Z] pero i mean the box is capable of even trying to compile something for an hour - but a GET kills it instantly
+ [2016-09-03T17:11:36Z] pero looking at the -V output it seems that it's just sending me around in circles
+ [2016-09-03T17:13:11Z] pero yea that's probably the problem

message no. 149475

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2016-09-03T16:56:57Z

You seemingly are failing in general with accessing remote ruby repos
+ [2016-09-04T04:45:14Z] jaybe ~/bin/bundle exec ~/bin/jekyll serve
+ [2016-09-04T05:03:04Z] miklb jaybe not sure if I've asked before, is jekyllrb bot homegrown or built of something?
+ [2016-09-04T05:03:25Z] miklb reason I ask is I've been playing around with hubot today
+ [2016-09-04T05:03:29Z] jaybe miklb, python; limnoria
+ [2016-09-04T05:04:12Z] miklb cool, thanks