+ [2016-09-04T15:19:32Z] _ami_ Adding ';' fixed the problem for me.
+ [2016-09-04T15:19:44Z] _ami_ mchelen2: thanks for the help though. :)
+ [2016-09-04T15:20:24Z] _ami_ i use vim so i am not sure if i can copy ohms symbol to vim
+ [2016-09-04T15:24:37Z] mchelen2 _ami_: ok great!
+ [2016-09-04T15:24:52Z] mchelen2 on my system i can copy symbols into vim fine

message no. 149549

Posted by mchelen2 in #jekyll at 2016-09-04T15:13:44Z

_ami_: often you can just paste in the symbol Λ λ etc
+ [2016-09-05T04:20:23Z] wa5ted hey anyone know how to convert html fiels to php
+ [2016-09-05T04:20:26Z] wa5ted files
+ [2016-09-05T04:20:36Z] wa5ted through jekyll itself
+ [2016-09-05T04:20:58Z] wa5ted sounds counter intuitive but i need to add some dynamic content to a particular webpage
+ [2016-09-05T04:31:28Z] miklb seems it would be easier to convert the php to JS and insert it that way