+ [2013-12-12T03:35:01Z] pontiki but i wasn't sure if that would work
+ [2013-12-14T19:31:44Z] enemea hi
+ [2013-12-14T19:32:01Z] enemea how I can use solarized code block from slash theme?
+ [2013-12-14T21:55:47Z] enemea hi
+ [2013-12-14T21:56:09Z] enemea how I can set a solarized code block style with other theme like slash?

message no. 14959

Posted by enemea in #octopress at 2013-12-14T21:56:09Z

how I can set a solarized code block style with other theme like slash?
+ [2013-12-15T00:21:25Z] mgue Hi - is there a way to (re)parse the output of a Liquid::Tag render method? Example: {% tag_a %} renders to {% tag_b %} which then renders to "Hello World"
+ [2013-12-15T00:45:07Z] mgue found a way... data = "<div>foobar {% tag_a %}</div>" return Liquid::Template.parse(data).render
+ [2013-12-15T04:03:09Z] ezfe_ ls
+ [2013-12-15T04:03:17Z] ezfe_ hey, you guys around?
+ [2013-12-15T04:05:12Z] ezfe_ well, that guy isn't.