+ [2016-09-08T20:16:03Z] dvl PrashantJ: try that.
+ [2016-09-08T20:19:36Z] PrashantJ dvl, Okay trying
+ [2016-09-08T20:20:01Z] dvl PrashantJ: I really do not know for sure.
+ [2016-09-08T20:22:10Z] PrashantJ dvl, thanks anyway:)
+ [2016-09-08T20:22:17Z] dvl cheers

message no. 149976

Posted by xelra in #github at 2016-09-08T15:39:18Z

No, I've not. What do I need to change to use SSH instead? I'm on Windows.
+ [2016-09-09T12:01:57Z] Hi-Angel I couldn't get, how to print github markdown to pdf?
+ [2016-09-09T12:02:14Z] Hi-Angel I mean, not the one on github.com, but on with github syntax
+ [2016-09-09T12:03:32Z] Hi-Angel I found some "grip" utility, which made a mess of my file, and I'm not even sure if it's a problem with file, or with "grip". Does github have a direct service to just print html from markdown?
+ [2016-09-09T12:11:39Z] Zarthus there are plenty of markdown to html/pdf converters
+ [2016-09-09T12:18:08Z] Hi-Angel I don't know a converter supporting tables syntax of github