+[2016-09-11T17:43:30Z]al-damirii tried this: `git diff old_api..master -- . ':!node_modules'` but it doesn't ignores the directory. +[2016-09-11T17:46:07Z]gajusThank you Seveas +[2016-09-11T17:51:11Z]psofaquick question: when i fork a repo can i be sure that no changes to my repo can happen through changes on the original?I want to fork a project as a way of having snapshots of reviewed code +[2016-09-11T17:57:50Z]init7BRB BEER TIME !! +[2016-09-11T18:45:35Z]Seveaspsofa: if you fork a repo, only you can push to that fork. So any changes on the original will need to be pushed to your fork by you, they will not be done automatically.
message no. 150223
Posted by gajus in #github at 2016-09-11T14:30:00Z
how to add a new line when prefilling an issue?
+[2016-09-12T01:50:32Z]speederquick API question: how I get all pull requests, even if using multiple pages? doing a https://api.github.com/repos/facebook/react-native/pulls?state=all for example show only 30 results +[2016-09-12T07:29:37Z]canton7speeder, you can request more pages, or you can traverse the pages +[2016-09-12T07:29:48Z]canton7see https://developer.github.com/v3/#pagination and https://developer.github.com/guides/traversing-with-pagination/ +[2016-09-12T07:30:07Z]canton7if you want to make sure you get all PRs, even if there are loads of them, you'll have to traverse the pages +[2016-09-12T08:53:03Z]gbif i created an account back in 2010 which i forgot the password for crcreated on a computer long since dead from an email which no longer exists is there anyway to resurrect the account?