+ [2016-09-21T21:01:35Z] jaybe ok, in fairness, now- on jekyll 3.2.1, with themes, ... i also did: ` cp -apv $(bundle show minima)/* . `
+ [2016-09-21T21:01:51Z] arnaudga I have not the same version of jekyll
+ [2016-09-21T22:33:04Z] Altazimuth Every time I try modifying background-color for body, as soon as I do jekyll serve it reverts it to #fdfdfd. Am I doing something inherently wrong?
+ [2016-09-21T22:34:22Z] Altazimuth If I modify whilst serving there doesn't appear to be any issue.
+ [2016-09-21T22:52:33Z] gondlar Where do you change that?

message no. 151019

Posted by zero-gravitas in #jekyll at 2016-09-21T14:30:32Z

@cytrinox Sounds like you're doing the right thing. What layout does `Artwork` use? Unlike other templates in Jekyll Layouts can inherit from other templates.
+ [2016-09-22T19:46:20Z] diamonds I am in hour three of trying to get jekyll installed locally
+ [2016-09-22T20:08:36Z] diamonds why is this happening ? http://hastebin.com/raw/uxuworokof
+ [2016-09-22T20:31:00Z] jaybe diamonds: hi. Sorry you are having troubles.
+ [2016-09-22T20:31:18Z] jaybe I would try a new default site first