+ [2016-10-02T22:03:46Z] KeyWeeUsr e.g. I have a repo "A", so it'd be a.github.io
+ [2016-10-02T22:07:52Z] allejo KeyWeeUsr, yes and no. you would have to create an organization on github and then you'd be able to do that
+ [2016-10-02T22:08:06Z] allejo otherwise, you're stuck with username.github.io/reponame
+ [2016-10-02T22:08:47Z] KeyWeeUsr thank you, so it's as I though.

message no. 151995

Posted by catuca in #github at 2016-10-02T14:45:33Z

I have got a repo on a different git server. I want to upstream just one directory from that repo into Github. is that possible without having to cut ties with the original git server?
+ [2016-10-03T00:39:55Z] Fauve Hello people o/
+ [2016-10-03T00:40:05Z] Fauve I have some problem to install hub under Debian:
+ [2016-10-03T00:40:53Z] Fauve I follow this documentation to install it https://hub.github.com/
+ [2016-10-03T00:41:07Z] Fauve But, when I run script/build -o ~/bin/hub, i get thisĀ :
+ [2016-10-03T00:41:15Z] Fauve http://cxg.de/_7ec197.htm