latest 5 messages by catuca

+ [2016-10-02T14:45:33Z] catuca I have got a repo on a different git server. I want to upstream just one directory from that repo into Github. is that possible without having to cut ties with the original git server?
+ [2016-07-01T18:27:22Z] catuca I have a tag called X and I need to merge all changes from master into tag X. how do I do that?
+ [2016-04-06T17:56:35Z] catuca Zarthus: were you referring to me?
+ [2016-04-06T17:54:05Z] catuca Now, I can force it by doing this 1) git push origin +branchname but I am not sure what the consequences of that might be
+ [2016-04-06T17:54:00Z] catuca I am getting non-fast-forward issues when trying to git push a local branch to remote. These are the steps I am following. 1) git checkout master 2) git pull 3) git checkout branch 4) git rebase master 5) I make my changes on the branch 6) git add -A . 7) git commit -m "some message her" 8) git push origin branch