+ [2013-12-19T22:11:25Z] jaybe :53:29] <jbruni> emegea: look at http://octopress.org/docs/theme/template/ - search for "Since many people probably want to add an About Me section" ...
+ [2013-12-19T22:30:15Z] emegea thank'u
+ [2013-12-19T23:23:56Z] jbruni Hey, guys... can please someone take a look? http://snag.gy/cgnVn.jpg
+ [2013-12-19T23:25:21Z] jbruni Where does this "body > nav li:first-child" selector with "padding-left: 0;" CSS rule in Octopress default theme comes from? I can't find it anywhere in source code!
+ [2013-12-19T23:34:05Z] jbruni Finally found the answer: it is built in the compass mixin "horizontal-list" - http://compass-style.org/reference/compass/utilities/lists/horizontal_list/

message no. 15239

Posted by jbruni in #octopress at 2013-12-19T17:44:32Z

Well... I was able to decrease the nav items font size... yet, it does not resolve the issue... I will have to split the top navigation in two.. something like this: http://blog.pathtosharepoint.com/2009/04/02/splitting-the-top-navigation-in-two/
+ [2013-12-20T00:52:24Z] emegea hi
+ [2013-12-20T00:52:27Z] emegea again
+ [2013-12-20T00:53:18Z] emegea I'm not css expert, and I would like to get my aside profile pic rounded
+ [2013-12-20T00:53:31Z] emegea I've seen profilepic from greyshade but doesn't works
+ [2013-12-20T00:53:41Z] emegea anyone can help me?