latest 20 messages by jbruni

+ [2013-12-21T14:35:35Z] jbruni Hi, everybody. How do I embed a YouTube video in a post?
+ [2013-12-19T23:34:05Z] jbruni Finally found the answer: it is built in the compass mixin "horizontal-list" -
+ [2013-12-19T23:25:21Z] jbruni Where does this "body > nav li:first-child" selector with "padding-left: 0;" CSS rule in Octopress default theme comes from? I can't find it anywhere in source code!
+ [2013-12-19T23:23:56Z] jbruni Hey, guys... can please someone take a look?
+ [2013-12-19T21:13:15Z] jbruni I though it would be easy. I've tried "grep" with "child", "first", and many other combinations... I could find a few "first-child" but none corresponding to this specific rule. I am really intrigued.
+ [2013-12-19T21:08:40Z] jbruni Please, take a look: - there is a "body > nav li:first-child" selector with "padding-left: 0;" CSS rule in Octopress default theme. I've been struggling to find WHERE is this rule defined in the scss files, with no success. Can anyone tell me where is it?
+ [2013-12-19T19:53:31Z] jbruni emegea: look at - search for "Since many people probably want to add an About Me section" ...
+ [2013-12-19T18:27:12Z] jbruni seems a pretty trivial question to me... :-)
+ [2013-12-19T18:26:47Z] jbruni There is also the SECOND issue... remember I've just installed Octopress for the first time... each item in the menu is a BLOG CATEGORY... the question is: how should the URL be formed? in other words: how a blog-category-link looks like?
+ [2013-12-19T18:25:27Z] jbruni so, not only the CSS should be adjusted, but also a bit of the layout... I think I can do this. Your questions helped me a lot by putiing me in the right track! Thanks!
+ [2013-12-19T18:24:22Z] jbruni it should also be easier to code than make it properly float right sharing/battling for the same space with the menu items
+ [2013-12-19T18:22:44Z] jbruni hmmm... I think it should be moved above the nav menu.... there is plenty of empty space there
+ [2013-12-19T18:20:20Z] jbruni the most difficult issue is to deal with the search form + RSS icon
+ [2013-12-19T18:19:51Z] jbruni Hmmm... the first item of the second row should be left-aligned just like the first item of the first row.... I've been looking at the CSS rules, and this should be trivial to do by changing/adding some of them
+ [2013-12-19T18:04:44Z] jbruni Indeed, I don't plan to use any JS... I linked only to visually show what I meant by "split top navigation in two". At the moment, it looks like this: but if I shrink thw window it becomes this:
+ [2013-12-19T17:44:32Z] jbruni Well... I was able to decrease the nav items font size... yet, it does not resolve the issue... I will have to split the top navigation in two.. something like this:
+ [2013-12-19T17:38:11Z] jbruni Yep... custom file, as suggested by the documentation: sass/custom/_styles.scss
+ [2013-12-19T17:36:55Z] jbruni I'm new to SASS... what I'ms used to do is open Chrome Dev tools, edit the CSS there, and then edit the corresponding css file...but in this case I need to find the original "scss" definition and override it in a separated file ... I'm trying this:
+ [2013-12-19T17:33:52Z] jbruni Yes, I am. I've found "sass/partials/_navigation.scss"
+ [2013-12-19T17:33:21Z] jbruni Right... I want to decrease the nav items font-size