+ [2016-11-12T15:05:56Z] TestingIRC what is its disk quota ?
+ [2016-11-12T15:06:18Z] ui1 TestingIRC, I think it is 1GB
+ [2016-11-12T15:07:37Z] ui1 TestingIRC, this illustrate GitHub Pages much better https://pages.github.com/
+ [2016-11-12T20:51:09Z] mrdvc is there a way to export my github page to a codepen?
+ [2016-11-12T22:40:34Z] mrdvc I have made changes to a repository. I pushed the changes to master. But my gh-pages branch says everything is up to date. But it is not... What did I do wrong?

message no. 156477

Posted by porton in #github at 2016-11-12T13:38:06Z

I receive several types of webhook events from GitHub. Is it OK just to ignore some events if we don't need them? or is it better to turn off some event types? It seems that the traffic from GitHub is not going to be very big, and thus is makes no sense to turn off some events, just ignore them in our software
+ [2016-11-13T01:15:49Z] Guest62240 can someone help me please?
+ [2016-11-13T01:17:06Z] treehug88 Guest62240 what is your question?
+ [2016-11-13T01:17:35Z] Guest62240 I'm trying to submit my game to the Github Game-Off but I;m new to Git