+ [8 years ago] jalvarez so now how do i change my css?
+ [8 years ago] jalvarez do i just use it like bootstrap?
+ [8 years ago] jalvarez just mark some text with the class of danger and see if it apears?
+ [8 years ago] jalvarez or do i need to do it inside my styles.scss file?

message no. 156681

Posted by moozer in #jekyll at 2016-11-15T09:32:41Z

Is it possible to have markdown in layouts?
+ [8 years ago] jalvarez anyone using bootstrap-sass ?
+ [8 years ago] prxq in jekyll 3.3, how do I create a site *without* theme? I want to write the css and layouts myself.
+ [8 years ago] prxq when I do 'jekyll new', the directory structure doesn't include the actual layouts, they seem to be somewhere else.
+ [8 years ago] jaybe Just do it. Don't need a gem theme.