+ [2014-01-01T00:32:14Z] g0tmi1k_ 'repository to Gihub. '
+ [2014-01-01T05:05:17Z] pontiki fork it. fixi it. push it. pr it. (or daft punk your way to open source collaboration)

message no. 15901

Posted by g0tmi1k_ in #octopress at 2014-01-01T00:32:03Z

Small typo on the following web page
+ [2014-01-03T01:10:51Z] L-Chymera hi guys, one of my octopress websites loads REALLY slowly (tutorials.chymera.eu) - how could I find out what elements cause this? (I have a similar website using the same theme, on the same server which is not that slow)
+ [2014-01-03T01:18:07Z] durin L-Chymera: looking at the site waterfall, its the initial load of the page that is taking really long. so i would guess its a problem with your web server.
+ [2014-01-03T01:19:34Z] L-Chymera durin: photo.chymera.eu is on the same server, but works much better - what do you mean by "site waterfall"?
+ [2014-01-03T01:21:30Z] durin L-Chymera: http://i.imgur.com/wVYYWya.png
+ [2014-01-03T01:22:01Z] durin the analysis of all the elements on your site... how long they take to load syncronously