latest 20 messages by durin

+ [2014-01-04T03:10:09Z] durin hrm, is there any way to get the :categories tag in the permalink to "pretty" the url like :title does? ie: convert to lowercase, replace spaces with -, etc
+ [2014-01-03T02:00:40Z] durin or you can use
+ [2014-01-03T02:00:29Z] durin I'm using Chrome, but pretty sure most other webbrowsers have it too
+ [2014-01-03T01:22:36Z] durin its taking 1min to serve up the base html
+ [2014-01-03T01:22:01Z] durin the analysis of all the elements on your site... how long they take to load syncronously
+ [2014-01-03T01:21:30Z] durin L-Chymera:
+ [2014-01-03T01:18:07Z] durin L-Chymera: looking at the site waterfall, its the initial load of the page that is taking really long. so i would guess its a problem with your web server.
+ [2013-12-31T03:00:45Z] durin if its a small site sure
+ [2013-12-31T03:00:33Z] durin lol
+ [2013-12-31T02:59:39Z] durin i guess thats the tradeoff
+ [2013-12-31T02:59:32Z] durin i can't say i'm a huge fan of disqus though
+ [2013-12-31T02:57:37Z] durin only happened a few times ;)
+ [2013-12-31T02:57:10Z] durin not worrying about some hacker adding base64 code to my theme without me knowing
+ [2013-12-31T02:56:49Z] durin the file based is great, love having it all in git too
+ [2013-12-31T02:52:55Z] durin and i'm tired of keeping up with the wp security updates for it
+ [2013-12-31T02:52:44Z] durin but i haven't done anything with it in years
+ [2013-12-31T02:52:23Z] durin yea, i'm probably not getting more than 20 hits on this site per month
+ [2013-12-31T02:52:04Z] durin but i wanted to figure out the platform first
+ [2013-12-31T02:51:55Z] durin i have a larger one i want to convert once i finish this one
+ [2013-12-31T02:51:37Z] durin but i wanted to start with something small for my first one