+ [11 years ago] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2607 (gitignore-excludes) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/16425954
+ [11 years ago] kaffeebohne is it possible to get the current category value from the for-loop in line 5? https://paste.xinu.at/Tkr5aw/
+ [11 years ago] kaffeebohne maybe somthing like {{site.categories.{{category}} }}?
+ [11 years ago] kaffeebohne is there a way to make {{ site.categories.software }} out of {{ site.categories }} and a variable?
+ [11 years ago] Pessimism kaffebohne what is site.categories.software supposed to be here?

message no. 16139

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2014-01-05T03:32:48Z

is kramdown using pandoc? or did i miss something there...
+ [11 years ago] pontiki that was an odd question
+ [11 years ago] kaffeebohne damn, i missed that pessimism asked me something :(
+ [11 years ago] pontiki kaffeebohne: your question puzzles me
+ [11 years ago] pontiki you have category right there in your loop. why would you need to go back to site.categories to get more information?
+ [11 years ago] pontiki {{ category | first }} gives the category name, as you have it.