+[2017-01-17T20:16:10Z]kiraI got this warning: Build Warning: Layout 'default' requested in docs/index.html does not exist. +[2017-01-17T20:17:02Z]kiranvm. +[2017-01-17T20:17:07Z]kiraI got a thing to try out first. +[2017-01-17T20:18:06Z]kiramy problem was initiating jekyll outside of the jekyll generated directory +[2017-01-17T20:18:30Z]kiraHence, the build warning.
+[2017-01-18T08:25:34Z]oxinaboxI am a bit stuck +[2017-01-18T08:26:03Z]oxinaboxI can't work out why, when I have a `.svg` under my posts directory it is renamed to have the `.html` extension. +[2017-01-18T08:26:24Z]oxinaboxwhen my site is served and it is move to the `_site` folder. +[2017-01-18T08:27:42Z]allejodon't put an SVG inside a folder dedicated to containing just posts +[2017-01-18T08:27:43Z]oxinaboxand it is breaking all my images.