+[2017-02-01T18:35:53Z]Taggnostror if it's not possible, disabling the automatic linking should also work (is the link created if the corresponding issue doesn't exist?) +[2017-02-01T18:36:13Z]Taggnostr(also are the numbers shared between issues and PRs?) +[2017-02-01T18:36:53Z]Taggnostrnedbat, that might work if it's possible, but perhaps only in the PR messages, not in PR titles and commit messages +[2017-02-01T18:37:03Z]nedbatTaggnostr: true +[2017-02-01T18:48:36Z]Taggnostrnedbat, I sent an email to core-workflow, thanks for the suggestion!
is it possible to create a new branch in the Github GUI?
+[2017-02-02T14:21:00Z]jabberwockHi. Is there a text_match search in the API that allows me to specify a repository? (As opposed to working backgrounds from the result -> repository -> owner) +[2017-02-02T16:55:19Z]DolphinDreamhowdy +[2017-02-02T16:56:36Z]DolphinDreami forked a repo.. made changes to master, made a pull request which was accepted (merged into the origina repo).. what do i do next with my forked repo (considering i'm still developing and plan to make more pull requests). Do I pull the merged changes from the original repo in to my forked repo ? +[2017-02-02T17:50:19Z]gitinfoDolphinDream: [!pull_upstream] To incorporate changes from an "upstream" or forked-from repository: git remote add upstream $URL; git fetch upstream; git merge upstream/$BRANCH. https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/ +[2017-02-02T17:50:19Z]tobiasvlDolphinDream: yes. !sync