+ [2017-02-04T19:35:32Z] gitinfo dh128__: That's a rather ambiguous question... options: a) make a commit that "undoes" the effects of an earlier commit [man git-revert]; b) discard uncommitted changes in the working tree [git reset --hard]; c) undo committing [git reset --soft HEAD^]; d) restore staged versions of files [git checkout -p]; e) move the current branch to a different point(possibly losing commits)[git reset --hard $COMMIT]?
+ [2017-02-04T19:35:32Z] tobiasvl dh128__: forking a previous commit doesn't make sense. you want to fork a repository and !revert back to a previous commit?
+ [2017-02-04T19:37:26Z] dh128__ never mind, i'm back to hosting on discord because all i really need is the option to clone
+ [2017-02-04T19:37:29Z] dh128__ ty though
+ [2017-02-04T23:51:04Z] hoang what?

message no. 162876

Posted by RainMan28 in #github at 2017-02-04T19:05:50Z

downloaded zip from repo A, created repo B on github website and then cloned the empty repo on windows github app and then copied the files into the corresponding folder and made changes to the files and then synced using windows github app
+ [2017-02-05T02:31:53Z] Schwarzbaer__ Hi. I've created an SSH keypair, and added th public part on GitHub via the web interface. Now how do I configure my local repo so that it uses the right key file (it's not id_rsa) and the right username for the ssh connection to GitHub?
+ [2017-02-05T02:36:14Z] Schwarzbaer__ ...of course my google-fu gets stronger just from asking... Adding the key file to the ssh agent.
+ [2017-02-05T03:09:37Z] joebobjoe github for mac app shows 3 uncommitted changes but git status says nothing to show
+ [2017-02-05T03:09:49Z] joebobjoe for https://github.com/aosabook/aosabook