latest 18 messages by RainMan28

+ [2017-02-04T19:24:14Z] RainMan28 tobiasvl: #git thinks I should be asking in here :P
+ [2017-02-04T19:16:25Z] RainMan28 i mean in github if I go to File -> Clone Repository I see both repo A and repo B
+ [2017-02-04T19:14:21Z] RainMan28 but if you could show me how to do it from the command line, that would be great too
+ [2017-02-04T19:13:56Z] RainMan28 and when I go to clone repositories in the GUI app I see both repo A and repo B available
+ [2017-02-04T19:13:31Z] RainMan28 i have it on my mac that i am currently using
+ [2017-02-04T19:11:46Z] RainMan28 tobiasvl: is that something i need to download?
+ [2017-02-04T19:10:16Z] RainMan28 tobiasvl: thank you btw for helping me!
+ [2017-02-04T19:10:09Z] RainMan28 yeah, like repo A would be v1, and repo B is v2, but would like to have repo B code go into repo A and be v2, if that makes sense?
+ [2017-02-04T19:08:08Z] RainMan28 but would ideally like a way to preserve the older version also if I ever need to switch back to it
+ [2017-02-04T19:07:53Z] RainMan28 tobiasvl: yea what happened was that i needed someone else to make some changes to the repo files and the repo is private on github so I sent them the downloaded zip and they sent it back with the changes, but I did not want to just overwrite my existing repo so created a new one to test it with. Now that I have tested it, I would like to have it be back in the original repo.
+ [2017-02-04T19:05:50Z] RainMan28 downloaded zip from repo A, created repo B on github website and then cloned the empty repo on windows github app and then copied the files into the corresponding folder and made changes to the files and then synced using windows github app
+ [2017-02-04T19:03:32Z] RainMan28 Hello I have two repos in my GitHub account, repo A and repo B. repo B is a copy of repo A but had some files changed on it. I would like to somehow take the changes from repo B and have them applied to repo A but I am not sure how to do this. I am new to using github and would appreciate any help, thank you.
+ [2015-10-14T19:36:47Z] RainMan28 Is there a way to clone a specific folder only in a repo versus the entire repo from the command line? I want to copy one specific folder's contents to a few different servers that I have, and want to use https
+ [2015-10-14T18:40:27Z] RainMan28 Is there a way to clone a specific folder only in a repo versus the entire repo from the command line?
+ [2015-10-13T22:57:18Z] RainMan28 Hi, I'm new to github and opened up a support ticket, how long does it usually take them to reply? I'm no longer able to clone a repo via https.
+ [2015-07-22T08:21:12Z] RainMan28 I am trying to duplicate a repository following instructions here: but when I enter in the command to git push —mirror I get asked to authenticate with my username and password and it fails, even though I know my user/pass are correct. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.