+[2017-02-04T19:35:32Z]gitinfodh128__: That's a rather ambiguous question... options: a) make a commit that "undoes" the effects of an earlier commit [man git-revert]; b) discard uncommitted changes in the working tree [git reset --hard]; c) undo committing [git reset --soft HEAD^]; d) restore staged versions of files [git checkout -p]; e) move the current branch to a different point(possibly losing commits)[git reset --hard $COMMIT]? +[2017-02-04T19:35:32Z]tobiasvldh128__: forking a previous commit doesn't make sense. you want to fork a repository and !revert back to a previous commit? +[2017-02-04T19:37:26Z]dh128__never mind, i'm back to hosting on discord because all i really need is the option to clone +[2017-02-04T19:37:29Z]dh128__ty though +[2017-02-04T23:51:04Z]hoangwhat?
i mean in github if I go to File -> Clone Repository I see both repo A and repo B
+[2017-02-05T00:25:44Z]ShalokShalomhi there :) +[2017-02-05T02:31:53Z]Schwarzbaer__Hi. I've created an SSH keypair, and added th public part on GitHub via the web interface. Now how do I configure my local repo so that it uses the right key file (it's not id_rsa) and the right username for the ssh connection to GitHub? +[2017-02-05T02:36:14Z]Schwarzbaer__...of course my google-fu gets stronger just from asking... Adding the key file to the ssh agent. +[2017-02-05T03:09:37Z]joebobjoegithub for mac app shows 3 uncommitted changes but git status says nothing to show +[2017-02-05T03:09:49Z]joebobjoefor https://github.com/aosabook/aosabook