+ [2017-02-15T17:20:23Z] dale6998 nevermind..? i uninstalled ruby, deleted ~/.gem and then reinstalled ruby
+ [2017-02-15T17:20:43Z] dale6998 did a gem install bundle, then a bundle install in the blog folder with the Gemfile
+ [2017-02-15T17:20:47Z] dale6998 here we are.
+ [2017-02-15T17:26:11Z] allejo :)

message no. 163649

Posted by rpifan in #jekyll at 2017-02-15T03:57:55Z

so what page am i supposed to serve then
+ [2017-02-16T01:05:44Z] kristian_on_linu hi ... I get this error when using jekyll-scholar: Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line 12): Unknown tag 'reference' in /home/kristian/Dropbox/jekyll/quatermass/_posts/2010-01-01-film1usreview.md
+ [2017-02-16T01:07:54Z] allejo sounds like the plugin isn't being loaded
+ [2017-02-16T01:10:33Z] kristian_on_linu yes, I think that was the problem ... I found and older version of _config.yml and now it works
+ [2017-02-16T14:41:49Z] qswz is there something like javascript's somevar || 'default' with jekyll? where '' || 'test' is 'test'