latest 20 messages by rpifan

+ [2017-02-20T05:55:08Z] rpifan how can i get someones ip address and display weather with plain html
+ [2017-02-20T05:50:33Z] rpifan it doesnt actually work
+ [2017-02-20T05:50:31Z] rpifan all it does is disaply the code
+ [2017-02-20T05:50:25Z] rpifan when i add it
+ [2017-02-20T05:50:23Z] rpifan but
+ [2017-02-20T03:16:32Z] rpifan after buiulding it
+ [2017-02-20T03:16:29Z] rpifan how do i integrate js into a jeykll page
+ [2017-02-19T18:39:16Z] rpifan how can i do it
+ [2017-02-19T18:39:14Z] rpifan to display the users ip
+ [2017-02-19T18:39:11Z] rpifan all i need is one javascript script to run on the index page
+ [2017-02-19T18:38:59Z] rpifan but all i get are really complicated scenarios
+ [2017-02-19T18:38:53Z] rpifan i need to add a javascript to my main page
+ [2017-02-15T04:16:24Z] rpifan im gonna shut up now, thanks all
+ [2017-02-15T04:16:15Z] rpifan oh nm
+ [2017-02-15T04:15:11Z] rpifan well i figured out one part but now its like there are no css files at all, the new generated page is just dead
+ [2017-02-15T03:57:55Z] rpifan so what page am i supposed to serve then
+ [2017-02-15T03:57:50Z] rpifan it is opening index.html and appaently index.html is just the borked text
+ [2017-02-15T03:57:36Z] rpifan i see what the issue is
+ [2017-02-15T03:57:32Z] rpifan which is?
+ [2017-02-15T03:56:58Z] rpifan all i see is broken code consisting of broken html text