+ [2017-02-18T17:21:27Z] sonOfRa I think it's like $7 a month for unlimited private repositories, so quite reasonably priced
+ [2017-02-18T18:32:47Z] cgman hello?
+ [2017-02-18T20:45:52Z] DolpheenDream can owners of a repo i forked have the ability to merge the branches in my forked repo ?
+ [2017-02-18T20:49:39Z] sonOfRa Only if you add them as collaborators

message no. 163929

Posted by newcoder in #github at 2017-02-18T17:05:03Z

I will git push there
+ [2017-02-19T03:53:08Z] Geraden hey everyone. I have a pull request open for a project and over time and with some discussion from the project authors, some changes have been added and others removed. How does Github deal with me rebasing my forked master branch (where the pull request is from) in order to clean this up again into a tidy set of commits to be merged?
+ [2017-02-19T03:53:24Z] Geraden Is this something I should avoid doing?
+ [2017-02-19T03:54:41Z] nedbat Geraden: the pull request will update if you push to your branch
+ [2017-02-19T03:55:23Z] Geraden but it won't make a mess of the pull request comments and discussion around everything? Github will handle it gracefully?
+ [2017-02-19T03:55:47Z] Geraden again, I'm not talking about just pushing, but actually rebasing to squash some commits etc.